Hi everyone! I was going to write a blog about security and working from home, but while doing something else online I came across a memory. I was researching some topics for our website and was looking up current trends in cyber security and came across Bruce Schneier. Now, that name won't mean anything to most of you reading here, but it means a lot to me. He's the one person who influenced me to get into cyber security and more importantly held my interest.
I first saw him speak at SecTor (a security conference I attended in Toronto in 2016 or 17). He was the key note speaker and was amazing. He hit on things I've never even thought of, and made it interesting and fun to listen to! As you know, most technical classes/speakers/presentations are very dry and boring, or so technical that you just sit there scratching your head wondering what the heck they're talking about (I've been to a few of those as well). Mr. Schneier was animated, knowledgeable, technical at times, but most of all he ENJOYED what he was talking about.
He's written many books - my favourites being "Click Here to Kill Everybody" and "Data and Goliath". Here's a link to the rest of his books for anyone interested: https://www.schneier.com/books/ He also writes a blog which covers varied topics - some technical, some not so much, which can be found here: https://www.schneier.com/
I hope you enjoyed this semi-blog post 🙂 Next time...working from home...maybe.