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October is Cyber Security Awareness Month!!

Cindy Young

October 7, 2021

I’m aware that that’s probably made up by some geek living in his mom’s basement, but it will serve its purpose for me today.

How safe are you?  How safe is your personal data?  How safe is anything really?  It’s time to think about it!!  And luckily for you, I’m here with some ideas to help you along.

First of all, lets talk passwords.  Yes, I know, you’ve heard it all before: make sure it’s long enough; make sure it’s unique; use caps, symbols, and numbers interspersed in your password.  These are all great things to do by the way, so still keep doing them!  But here are a few things you may not have thought of (or maybe you’re super smart and did, but keep reading anyway):
  • Linking your logins to social media is a bad thing.  Remember that Facebook outage recently?  That could have gone much worse than it did.  When you link your logins together you’re basically making a road for a hacker to follow into ALL of your personal things….kind of like when your sibling rummaged through your underwear drawer when you were a kid and found your diary (or your pot stash).  No one wants that.  So, unlink as much as you can and have separate logins for all your apps and games.
  • Change your passwords regularly!  If you can’t come up with unique passwords all the time, there are password managers out there that will do that for you (and remember them too!!).  Personally, I use LastPass, but there are a lot of good, free ones out there.  Do some research.
  • Use 2FA whenever possible, especially for things like banking, health records, or other really personal actions.  2FA stands for 2 Factor Authentication – so, you can have a combination of things to log into your accounts.  Those things include something you know, something you have, or something you are.  Examples:  something you know would be a password, something you have could be an access card (like your debit card), and something you are could be a fingerprint or retina.  The most common 2FA method used online is the username/password, then a texted code to enter the site.  You must have all three of these things to gain access.
Delete old accounts you don’t use any more.  Do you have an old MySpace account?  Tumblr?  A sock account you used somewhere you should not have been?  Get rid of them, the smaller footprint you have online, the safer you are.

Logout of apps!  If there is a logout option, use it!  Don’t just close the window and hope that it closed everything down.  This is especially important for banking sites.

These are just a few things you can do to make your online life safer.  If anyone has anything to add, please do in the comments, they’re more than welcome 😊

Stay safe everyone!


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